Tuesday 20 August 2013

Wake Up

Wake up.

Realise that this is it. All those years, come down to now. 
Give up, less important things.

Push forward, push on.

Push yourself.

Wake up, and know that now, no one is beside you.
No one will be there to push you forward but yourself.

Strive, work, suffer, and pull through.

The rainbow is not that far away now.

Monday 5 August 2013


I like when things happen quickly. When you're mad at something, or someone, but that changes in an instant. I like how it happens quickly.
Like when raindrops that fall on a horrible day, clear up and you're left with a beautiful blue sky. I like when it happens that quickly.
I like when falling in love happens quickly, and falling out of it does to. No pain, no long sorrow, no prolonged anguish. I like when letting go happens quickly.

Some things don't happen so quickly. Some things turn dark, and your only hope of seeing light comes slowly. Some things, never go by fast enough. When you're face with torment and torture that mentally incapacitates you and drives you to the ending point, that never happens quickly. Pain lasts, long and slow. But the relief that comes after, comes quickly.

Letting go never happens quickly. 
A month, or two. Even, 6 months changes nothing. And you fall back to where you were 6 months ago, then curse yourself for being able to let go.

Growing, and learning, never happens quickly.
Thats what I thought, at first. At 12 I looked on to Secondary School and bemoaned how long it would be until I graduated. But now I look back, at 11 years as an Assuntarian, and it happened too quickly.
Where have all the times gone? In the blink of an eye? Stealing colour pencils, and walking down the big stairs to the canteen. Where we would laugh away our time, and try to extend our break for as long as we could.
This past year went by too fast. The pain came, the good times came. Thank you for the memories, that all of you brought me.

Yet, I like it that things happen quickly. I like that it was over so quickly, because if it weren't I'd still be stuck in the slow motion of things.

I like that I'm moving quickly. Moving on, moving forward.

Basically, live your moments as they pass.
Don't revel too long in it, until you're ripped away from it and it hurts less.
Don't ignore it, and let it go by.
Moments, happen, seize them.
Life moves by so fast, in a blur it is gone.
And your soul leaves, its smoking ashes behind and that is all that becomes of your memories.

Enjoy your current, forget the past. 
Live in the moment, like its your last. 
Don't hold on to it, because it will never fade, 
Especially if you spread love more than  hate.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye is never easy.
No matter what it is for.
Sometimes, a person comes into your life, and changes it so much. Moulding, and touching your life in every way. This person moves you, and makes you see things differently. And sooner or later, you're looking right through that person's eyes. And all you are, what you like, and what you do, merges with this person's. You become one. As if, thinking and breathing together when in reality its nothing but mirage.

Sometimes, you lose someone and have no chance of getting that person back. Someone you loved so much, whose absence, leaves a gaping hole in your heart. A hole, being torn up into a wider abyss, where you pour your sorrows in. And every bad thing that happens, expands the hole until you've nothing left, but the disintegrated veins of your heart, emptiness.

Sometimes, you say goodbye, to save yourself. To resist the temptation of screwing up your life, for a certain better prospect. Its not easy. Its not easy to do what's good for us, especially against how we feel. Especially if the way we feel about a person, strikes us to our knees. When all that touches your mind, is the way the person felt when you hugged. The way the person's smile would light up your day. The way your heart would somersault in excitement, when you see New Text Message From...
Its not easy.

But we must do it.

If we don't move on, where will we be? Stuck?
Stuck. We will be stuck here, in this moment, forever in sorrow. Forever crying over it. Forever wondering, what you did wrong. I'll tell you what you did wrong, you stayed. You stayed there, in one spot, hugging your knees and complaining to the world, how horrible you feel. How you want nothing more in the world than to see the person, touch the person or even hear from the person. 

You did wrong, to wait around for something that's never going to come back. You might think the person will, like a Frisbee. Thrown and just missing for a while. Well, this Frisbee won't come back. Its in your past.

Move on.

Hard, I know. First thing you'd say, "You don't know how I feel." We all do. Do not for one second think, that this is easy, and that we have never been through it because yes, we all have. Get up, and change the world. Enough with the sob stories, and do things to forget. Do things, change the world, help the poor, be happy about something in your life! 

They would be proud to have met you. For you are strong, and powerful, and nothing will change that.